These 10 Reasons Can Stop You From Understanding Cryptocurrency Investing

6 years ago
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The number one reason why most Americans dont hold cryptocurrencies is lack of interest.

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These 10 Reasons Can Stop You From Understanding Cryptocurrency Investing

, Author: Lou Kerner, Compiler: Lynn Lee, reprinted with permission.

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I think it was on June 29, 2017 that I really understood the world of cryptocurrency. That feeling is, I see the light of encryption.

In fact, between 2013 and 2014, I spent a year delving into the field of encryption knowledge. Im considered an expert, even the Wall Street Journal called me a Wall Street Bitcoin expert in their coverage of Bitcoin. But at that time, I hadnt seen the light of encryption yet. I didnt practice, my curiosity wasnt enough, my mind wasnt open enough.

Seeing the encrypted light is a religious experience. It feels as if I can predict the future: a future in which encryption technology will become an important part of human history. So I stopped all the work at hand and focused 100% of my time and energy on the encryption field. I started writing about encryption with a passion and a desire to gain a comprehensive understanding of what was going on in the space.

I have tried countless times to help the other party figure out what the encrypted world is in the chat. However, only a small percentage of the group of people I am trying to help see what I call the light. So I came to this conclusion: You cant show people the light of encryption. Each has to discover it in their own way, using the viewing prism of their individual lives.

What is it that keeps us from glimpsing the light of encryption? I have summarized the following ten reasons, maybe you are also blocked by them.

1. The complexity of encryption technology

  • Encryption is one of the most information-dense and hard-to-understand fields Ive ever encountered. It is a new field, and there is not even a systematic nomenclature to fully describe what encryption technology is. Decentralization is also a new concept, not to mention the new words PoW proof of work, PoS proof of equity and mining.

  • First, Ill let you compare the dice game. When someone says that the odds of dice are too complicated to understand, I show them a group of people around a dice table, and I ask them if they think they have an average IQ. While the game of dice is complex, it is not an unattainable science if the players at the table can figure it out, and the same goes for encryption.

These 10 Reasons Can Stop You From Understanding Cryptocurrency Investing

Second, I would tell people that while it is not easy to understand encryption technology, the rewards are very rich.

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Are they all smarter than you?

To understand cryptography, you need to read a lot about it. When you first started, you couldn’t understand a lot, and you had to learn word by word. By my count, this initial learning process takes at least 20 hours or so, and Ive seen some people spend close to 200 hours. All in all, its a learning process that takes energy, but many people dont want to commit to.

These 10 Reasons Can Stop You From Understanding Cryptocurrency Investing

3. Those who are too successful cannot see the light

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I used to see ducks, then I saw rabbits

Before I saw the encrypted light, the world I saw was actually only a handful. And after I saw the encrypted light, I felt like a blindfolded horse before, and now I see the world so differently.

My feeling is a typical manifestation of Gestalt psychology.

(Note: Gestalt psychology is a school in the field of visual psychology. Its point of view is that human vision has a tendency to integrate and simplify graphics. When an incomplete graphic appears in human vision, human Visual thinking tends to automatically complete it into a complete common overall figure.)

To see the crypto light, you have to be open minded to new things. You need to look left and right at the same time, even if it is easier to look straight ahead. The more successful a person is, the less likely he is to change the way he views the world, and the less interested he is in waiting and watching. So, success will make it harder for you to see the crypto light.

4. Believe that only the national government can issue currency

It is not easy to get people to trust the Bitcoin algorithm more than they trust their government. However, no matter what everyone thinks, it is undeniable that digital currency has become more and more accepted as a payment method.

5. Most people don’t care at all

The most common reason why many people dont see the light of crypto is because they simply have no interest. According to a poll conducted by Blockchain Capital at the end of last year, the number one reason why most Americans do not hold cryptocurrencies is no need/interest.

6. No curiosity

The rapid development of cryptocurrencies is a fact that cannot be ignored. In terms of market value growth, Bitcoin’s market value growth rate is the fastest in history. The only reason youre indifferent to it is this: youre not a curious person.

7. Cryptocurrencies are too unstable/risky

Everyone says cryptocurrencies are too volatile or risky, but it was the same when junk bonds first started trading. At that time, except for Drexel Burnham Bank, the inventor of junk bonds, all other banks said that junk bonds were junk because they were extremely unstable and risky, and they would never touch them.

But over time, the volatility of cryptocurrencies has decreased and continues to stabilize, which is a problem that new asset classes often face.

8. Think it’s a scam

When it comes to cryptocurrencies, many peoples first association is still the Silk Road, a black market for online transactions. There is also the cynical attitude of many successful business people towards cryptocurrencies. Not long ago, Buffett called Bitcoin rat poison. What Buffetts followers dont realize, though, is that he has never said anything convincing about cryptocurrencies.

9. Too old

I recently met Ken Langone, an 82-year-old financial expert at Home Depot, and when I asked him if he had ever paid attention to Bitcoin, he replied with a mocking tone: I only invest in what I understand. He can learn again at his age, but he rejected me as if I was trying to drag him into a cult. I guess I might have been too eager, too.

Ken Langone must have been full of curiosity at a certain age in his life, but now he is too old to be interested in learning new tricks.

10. The light of encryption is not bright enough

These 10 Reasons Can Stop You From Understanding Cryptocurrency Investing

This article is from a submission and does not represent the Daily position. If reprinted, please indicate the source.

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