Hacker becomes Kyber director? KyberSwap attacker threatens to take over protocol

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In addition to wanting to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, I also want to know who the hacker who attacked Kyber and left this text is.

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This may be the toughest hacker message in the history of encryption.

At 7 a.m. on November 23, the DEX aggregator and liquidity platform KyberSwap was suspected of being attacked, involving US$47 million in funds. At 12 noon on November 30, the KyberSwap attacker issued settlement conditions on the chain, including full executive control over Kyber Company, obtaining KyberDAOs governance mechanism to implement legislative changes, and requiring Kyber Company to hand over all on-chain and off-chain assets. wait.

Hacker becomes Kyber director? KyberSwap attacker threatens to take over protocol

The core demands of the hackers are to gain complete control over Kyber and have ownership of KyberDAO. In addition, all documents and information related to the formation, structure, operations, revenues, profits, expenses, assets, liabilities, investors, salaries, etc. of the company, agreements, etc. It also requires the original project team members to give up all Kyber assets, including on-chain and off-chain assets. The scope includes, but is not limited to: shares, interests, tokens (KNC and non-KNC), partnerships, blogs, websites, servers, passwords, code, social channels, and all Kyber’s creative and intellectual property.

The hacker said that if his demands are met, Kyber will be sold at a fair valuation, employees salaries will be doubled under the new company system, and existing employees will receive 12 months of paid layoffs if they choose to leave the company. Enjoy full benefits and help finding a new career. While token holders and investors’ assets will appreciate in value, liquidity providers will receive rebates for recent market making activities.

The hacker said that under his management, Kyber will be completely transformed and will no longer be the seventh-ranked DEX, but a brand new cryptography project. The hacker signed the message at the end as Kyber Director.

What does the community think of this message?

Lefteris Karapetsas, founder of Rotkiapp@LefterisJPCircle the word shares in the hackers message, saying In order to complete the share transfer, we need the full name, physical address, etc. so that the transfer can be completed through a notary.

Now, in addition to wanting to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, the whole world wants to know who the hacker who attacked Kyber and left this text is. Many believe that by leaving such a long piece of text behind, the hacker would be easily identifiable because the messages writing style, word choice and spelling could be cross-referenced.

Hacker becomes Kyber director? KyberSwap attacker threatens to take over protocol

Regarding the idea of ​​hackers wanting to gain control of Kyber and transform Kyber into a new company, community users said, I have never seen a hacker want to be a CEO in this world.

Ethereum Developer@pcaversaccioSaid this is an unprecedented case in the black hat world. Community users@0x ngmiThe comment stated that he did not know how all the demands of the Kyber hacker could be met, and even if the settlement was successful, Who would want to use a protocol managed by this hacker?

Hacker becomes Kyber director? KyberSwap attacker threatens to take over protocol

At the end of the message, the hacker said, Kyber is one of the earliest and longest-running DeFi protocols. No one wants to see it collapse. Therefore, many community users speculate that the identity of the hacker may be someone who has worked on the KyberSwap team or someone who has had close contact with KyberSwap.

How will KyberSwap respond to hackers, and where will the protocol go? BlockBeats will continue to monitor this.

Original article, author:区块律动BlockBeats。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact report@odaily.email;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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