Devcon is coming. How can project founders build social influence?

1 months ago
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Enjoy the process.

Original article by Ish Verduzco

Original translation: TechFlow

Last week, I flew to New York City to give a workshop for cryptocurrency founders.

The goal is to give them some basic social skills that they can implement right away.

The following is a summary of my speech.

Why build social influence?

An active social presence can help:

  • Increase sales

  • Attracting Talent

  • Building partnerships

  • Get financing

  • Get User

  • Collect product feedback

  • Building Community

I was the head of growth at my last startup, and when we first launched our public beta, we immediately got 1,000 downloads thanks to our online presence.

More details here .

I have friends who have raised significant amounts of funding, built entire teams, and landed major collaborations simply through their online influence.

If youre still wondering if this is worth it, heres what you can do:

Chris Bakke:

When we were running our last company, we generated over $3M in revenue in 2021-2022 from my personal Twitter account alone (when I had a lot fewer followers).

Devcon is coming. How can project founders build social influence?

How to run a business and socialize at the same time?

With limited time and many things to do, maybe you feel that content creation is not your strong point.

Here are five tips to help you get started today:

Tip #1: Focus on one platform

Choose the platform where your target audience is most active

Find 10-20 creators who have your ideal audience

Follow them and study their content

Set up notifications for the first 5 accounts

Interact with people in their content and replies

After mastering one platform, consider expanding to a second

Tip #2: Schedule time for creative work

Treat your online presence as part of your job

People prefer to pay attention to individuals rather than brands

Spend at least 10% of your time on this.

Set aside a few hours each week to focus on creating content

Use Typefully or Bluecast to schedule content for the next week in advance

Daily community management

Tip #3: Take advantage of prompts and daily themes

Tip example:

「Explain your job in simple words」

「Share how you came up with the product idea」

More tips can be found here

Theme examples:

  • Monday - Thought Leadership

  • Tuesday - Community Highlights

  • Wednesday - Company News

  • Thursday - Product Marketing

  • Friday - Founder Reflection

Tip #4: Get support from your team

If you are having difficulty, you can ask the team for help:

  • Uncovering stories by interviewing you

  • Help editing and formatting your social media content

  • Actively interact with your posts after they are published

dont want

  • Let someone else take full control of your account

  • Think too much. Act first, collect data, then optimize

Tip #5: Empower your employees

  • Treat employees as “internal KOLs”

  • Encourage them to share their expertise online

  • Allowing them to build their own audience and endorse the brand

  • Leverage employee networks to spread company content

  • Create a Slack channel for company social posts to promote interaction

  • Develop a positive online culture

Finally, I think a successful founder online presence should include:

  • Continuously publish content regularly

  • Actively participate in dynamic interactions

  • Sharing knowledge in professional fields

  • Don’t make people feel that you are always selling products

  • Share personal information (such as hobbies or interests)

  • Keep a light-hearted and humorous attitude

  • Don’t view social media as just a propaganda tool

  • Show your personal charm


  • Start with a social platform

  • Set aside time each week to create

  • Using prompts and topics to overcome writers block

  • Uncover your story with the power of a team

  • Encourage employees to build their own online presence

Bonus tip: Enjoy the process. This is social media.

Original article, author:深潮TechFlow。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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